The following is a sample of projects undertaken by us:-
Alterations & Additions to Residence
at Musgrave Street MosmanApprox Cost $M0.8
Involved excavation under existing residence to create basement requiring underpinning and installation of temporary lateral stabilising frame, construction of concrete blockwork retaining walls. Also involved first floor extension including the strengthening of existing steel bearers.
Approx Cost $M0.8
Alterations & Additions to Residence
at Breillat Street Annandale
Involved the excavation of a new level under the ex ground floor structure and the provision of a new 3 storey extension at the rear comprising suspended slabs and involving use of an extensive structural steel frame supported on new structural steel columns, underpinnng and provision of temporary lateral support bracing. Also involved site drainage
Approx Cost $M0.9
Alterations & Additions to Residence
At Breillat Street Annandale
Involved the excavation of a new level under the ex ground floor structure and the provision of a new 3 storey extension at the rear comprising concrete slabs and involving use of an extensive structural steel frame supported on new structural steel columns, underpinnng and provision of temporary lateral support bracing. Also involved site drainage.
Approx Cost $M0.5
Alterations & Additions to Industrial Building
At McEvoy Street Alexandria
Extension to existing industrial building using structural steel frame supporting purlins and metal deck roofing, reinforced blockwork all founded on concrete piers on sand foundation.
Approx Cost $M1.5
Residential & Commercial Development
At Kingston Road Camperdown
Three storey building comprising reinforced concrete floors and ground floor transfer slab over basement carpark extending from boundary to boundary and involving the design of contiguous piled retaining walls with temporary tiebacks to provide support to adjacent buildings during construction and with structural steel roof framing.
Approx Cost $M0.9
Alterations & Additions to Residence
At Killcare
Involved the addition of two storey structural steel framed timber deck supported on new structural steel columns, equal in size and attached to a deficient timber framed residence of pole framed construction and the provision of lateral bracing to strengthen the existing residence and the marrying in of the new structure for the deck into the deficient pole framed construction. The design also incorporated cantilevered awnings over a new structural steel stairway which was adapted into the overall bracing design of the structure.
Approx Cost $M1.0
Conversion of Dilapidated Hotel Building
To Commercial Centre at Smith St Balmain
Involved the conversion of an old and damaged three storey masonry building to a modern and viable commercial centre. The building required strengthening for gravity and lateral support by the installation of a new structural steel frame to support the cracked and deteriorated masonry walls and to strengthen the timber floor structures and to strengthen an original timber framed balcony and roof structure. The new columns were supported on newly founded pad footings.
Approx Cost $M0.25
Re-roofing of existing Preschool Building
At Auburn
Structural design of new roof structure partly using and adding to the existing structure to enable the redesign of the roof to achieve greater roof slopes and resulting in greater depth of parapets and incorporating new steel columns as required.
Approx Cost $M1.1
New 3 storey Residence
At Close Street Coogee
Structural design of three storey concrete and steel framed structure with extensive structural steel roof structure and stabilising frame and basement with reinforced blockwork retaining walls. Included design of reinforced concrete swimming pool.
Approx Cost $M1.0
Dual Occupancy
at Nelson Street Annandale
Structural design of steel framed and timber structure partially within existing building and including structural steel stabilising frames, foundation slabs on ground, extensive concrete block retaining walls, freestanding 2 storey garage concrete structure and design of reinforced concrete swimming pool and site drainage & on site detention system.
Approx Cost $M1.0
Alterations & additions to Commercial Building
At City West Link Pyrmont
Included conversion of existing car park to offices and the provision of new access entrances including freestanding cantilevered stairway using structural steel elements and new concrete slabs supporting fire rated masonry walls and re-roofing of existing building.
Approx Cost $M0.7
Alterations & Additions to Residence II
at Musgrave Street Mosman
Involved first floor addition and new covered terrace incorporating variable sun shading and an awning structure extending over a single span of 10m with a complex structural steel supporting framework and other alterations to roof and garage structures.
Approx Cost $M0.6
Two Townhouses
At Balmain Road Leichhardt
Structural design of three storey concrete framed structure with structural steel roof structure and stabilising frame and basement with reinforced blockwork retaining walls.
Approx Cost $M1.8
Two Luxury Townhouses
at Short Street Balmain
Structural design of three storey concrete framed structure with structural steel roof structure over basement carpark with reinforced blockwork retaining walls using Smart masonry and also including stormwater drainage design including OSD.
Approx Cost $M3.0
Conversion of existing warehouse into 14 Townhouses
At Lonsdale/Russell Streets Leichhardt
Conversion of existing warehouse into three storey residential development and the construction of new concrete framed structure with basement car parking including transfer slab supported on concrete band beams and columns and perimeter blockwork retaining walls to found 2 storey structure comprising Hebel and structural steel roof and floor framing. Also involved design and detail of timber roof framing of site drainage & on site detention system.
Approx Cost $M0.8
Large Manager’s Residence & Function Rooms
attached to Hotel at Darling Street Balmain
Two storey structure over basement car parking supported on perimeter basement blockwork retaining walls founded on rock and comprising precast prestressed floor systems using Ultrafloor and with upper walls comprising Hebel. structural steel roof and floor framing. Also involved design and detail of timber roof framing and site drainage & on site detention system.
Approx Cost $M0.1
Site Drainage design for property
At Bellevue Hill
Involved the provision of on site detention and site drainage for a steeply sloping site falling away from the road including large buffer tank detention system to accommodate 100 year runoff and pump out system all designed in accord with Council requirements .
Approx Cost $M1.5
3 Large Townhouses at
Cooper Street Balmain
Concrete framed structure over 3 suspended levels spanning 6-7 m between beams and reinforced blockwork, all supported by concrete columns and perimeter blockwork retaining walls including ground floor transfer slab over basement carpark founded on bedrock. Also involved design and detail of underpinning of adjacent three storey concrete framed building, roof structural steelwork and site drainage.
Approx Cost $M2.0
Conversion of existing warehouse into
Commercial/Residential Development at Lyndhurst St Glebe
Conversion of existing warehouse into three storey residential/commercial development and the including removal of internal timber columns and the provision of extensive mezzanine floors using structural steel and timber and the excavation to create basement car parking and the consequent underpinning of the existing foundations.
Approx Cost $M1.2
Alteration & Additions to ex 1920’s residence
At Cranbrook Lane Bellevue Hill
Significant alteration to existing residence and additions involving suspended slabs at ground floor and timber and structural steel first floor and roof structures incorporating belvedere masonry tower and lateral stabilising structure built within ex residence.
Approx Cost $M0.6
Dual Occupancy
At Birchgrove Road Balmain
Design & detail of concrete foundation slab on Class S/M site founding two storey brick veneer semi detached duplex development with timber roof and floor framing. Also involved design and detail of site drainage & on site detention system.
Dispute between Canterbury City Council
& owner of full brick dwelling at Ninth Avenue Campsie
District Court matter which was eventually settled and which was related to cracking caused by a row of street trees comprising mature Brush Box and consequent damage to an adjacent residence. The site was Class M and it was demonstrated that significant roots extended up to the footings. I prepared several reports and demonstrated that the cracking was consistent with foundation shrinkage and further responded to the reports of other experts.
Approx Cost $M0.5
New Residence
At Elswick Street Leichhardt
Design & detail of concrete foundation slab on Class M site founding two storey brick veneer residence with timber and structural steel roof and floor framing. Also involved design and detail of site drainage & on site detention system.
Approx Cost $M0.6
New 3 storey Residence
At Ways Terrace Pyrmont
Design & detail of 3 storey concrete framed structure with extensive architectural detailing of concrete suspended pond and roof garden all supported on reinforced concrete columns and perimeter concrete blockwork. And located within an excavation in rock.
Approx Cost $M1.2
7-2 storey Townhouses over basement carpark
At Flood Street Leichhardt
Design & detail of reinforced concrete transfer slab over basement car parking all supported on concrete columns and perimeter blockwork retaining walls. Also involved design and detail of timber and structural steel roof and floor framing. Also involved design and detail of site drainage & on site detention system.
Approx Cost $M1.2
6-2 storey Townhouses over basement carpark
At Flood Street Leichhardt
Design & detail of reinforced concrete transfer slab over basement car parking all supported on concrete columns and perimeter blockwork retaining walls. Also involved design and detail of reinforced concrete first floor structure and design and detail of site drainage & on site detention system.
Approx Cost $M0.3
Alterations & additions to existing Commercial Building
At Eastern Valley Way Chatswood
Structural design of various works including new support structure for suspended ceiling in portal framed building, involving the strengthening of existing frames and the design of a cantilevered concrete stairway and blade column and the design of structural steel cantilevered awning structures and clad ornamental tapered blade columns attached to the existing facade .
Approx Cost $M0.7
New 2 storey Full brick residence
At Regent Street Putney
Comprised 2 storey full brick residence, including pier and beam footing, GF slab on ground, suspended first floor slab and timber and structural steel roof structure and glass awning. Also included design of site drainage.
Approx Cost $M0.75
Conversion of existing industrial into Offices
At Albion St Annandale
Conversion of existing building into commercial development including removal of internal timber columns and the provision of extensive mezzanine floors using structural steel and timber and the excavation to create basement car parking and the consequent underpinning of the existing foundations.
Approx Cost $M2.2
New House at Knights Place Castlecrag
Substantial Concrete framed structure over 5 suspended levels including suspended swimming pool located 8m above ground level, all supported by concrete columns, straddling a cliff face. Included significant misalignment of columns and stabilising by rock bolting stainless steel rods into bedrock. Also involved extensive site works and preparation of drawings for excavation to provide machine access to the cliff base and the design of extensive reinforced concrete retaining walls and site drainage. Design incorporated lift well and circular suspended stairway and extensive external concrete planters and provision for drainage within its external balconies. During the course of the works there was extensive redesign to suit the conditions encountered and extensive stabilising of rock using rock bolting designed in conjunction with Jeffery & Katauskas.
Approx Cost $M3.8
Seventeen Town Houses
At St Johns Road Glebe
2 story walk-up buildings built over extensive transfer slab over basement car parking requiring several control joints. The transfer slab was supported by integral beams, perimeter reinforced blockwork retaining walls and internal concrete columns and each section was 30-40m in length between joints First and attic levels comprise timber framing supported on steel beams with concrete suspended balconies integrated into the structural framing . Also site drainage and on site detention system and reconstruction and realignment of access roadways.
Approx Cost $M0.7
New 2 storey Restaurant
At Cooks Park Kyeemagh
Design and detail of two storey restaurant comprising to a pair of offset hexagonal shaped buildings with footing system founded on sand, reinforced blockwork walling and suspended concrete floor slabs and design of roof structural steelwork to hexagonal shaped roofs.
Approx Cost $M0.3
10 KPa Construction Deck
At Chatswood Chase
Involved the design and detail of a construction deck measuring approximately 20mx35m to support formwork and construction loading with a minimum loading capacity of 10 KPa to allow the extensions to the shopping centre to proceed. Located within the existing atrium area at a level 8m above floor level, the deck was designed using structural steel sections including UB’s & WB’s with RHS internal columns. The perimeter support was attached to existing circular concrete columns by means of fabricated structural steel bolted clamp collars specially designed and the structure involved a raised canopy to extend over the existing escalators. The deck was designed to meet Work Cover requirements.
Approx Cost $M0.6
4 Town Houses
At William Street Leichhardt
Built within existing 2 storey industrial building involved removal of large sections of the first floor and checking of the existing structure and strengthening where required. Also involved extensive drainage analysis of upstream catchment to determine flow depth within adjacent street and design of 600 dia outflow pipe to pick up drainage from adjacent areas.
Approx Cost $M0.3
New House
At Bayville Street Balmain
Comprised 3 storey Brick residence, sunk into the ground 600 and involved the underpinning of the adjacent houses and the design and detail of foundation slab on rock and Bondek suspended slabs at first and second floor levels.
Approx Cost $M0.6
Three Town Houses
At Cross Street
3 storey structure with first floor suspended slabs, timber second floor construction and terraced ground floor slab built over existing construction on pier and beam footing.
Approx Cost $M0.8
2 Dual Occupancies
At Lady Penrhyn Drive Beacon Hill
Large 2 storey brick veneer buildings built from foundation slab and suspended concrete slab over double garages, timber framed first floor & roof. Site drainage & on site detention system.
Approx Cost $M0.6
3 storey Duplex Development
At Jackson Street Balgowlah
3 storey concrete framed structure with suspended slabs, cantilevering 3m at rear all supported by columns and load bearing brickwork founded on rock and suspended access ramp and structural steel framed roof. Site drainage & on site detention system.
Approx Cost $M0.5
Duplex Development
At Phillip Street Balmain
Including two storey concrete framed structure on columns built within walls of original industrial building and in-ground concrete smimming pool.
Approx Cost $M1.0
3 Townhouses
At Grove Street Birchgrove
Three storey structure with concrete block retaining walls, suspended slabs on load bearing brickwork all supported by transfer slab over garages.
Approx Cost $M1.3
11 Townhouses
At Sunnyside Ave Lilyfield
Three storey concrete framed structure with structural steel roof structure and extensive site works including new road and drainage design for upstream catchment & OSD. First floor structure cantilevers 3.7m over car parking area.
Approx Cost $M0.8
Major Renovation to Residence
At Hopetoun Ave Mosman
First floor addition using Hebel panels and blocks and extensive site works including 5 1/2m high rock face anchored sprayed retaining wall, site drainage incorporating on site detention and new swimming pool.
Approx Cost $M0.3
Dual Occupancy at Carson Street Dundas:
Including access ramp, retaining walls, site works and on site detention on steeply sloping block and two separate occupancies with suspended concrete first floors.
Approx Cost $M1.0
5 three storey Terraces
At Stack Street Balmain:
Documented in 1990 included pier foundation slabs and two levels of timber floors
Approx Cost $M0.6New Factory Building
At 13 Hilly Street Mortlake
Comprised 5m high single storey concrete framed structure with rooftop parking, supported on concrete columns, concrete retaining and shear walls including suspended access ramp and underpinning of adjacent buildings.
Approx Cost $M2.0
Block of 10 townhouses
at Darling Street Balmain
Involving the design of three storey concrete slab and masonry structure with extensive transfer slab on concrete columns over car parking area with perimeter retaining walls.
Approx Cost $M3.0
30 Townhouses
At Torrance Ave Quakers Hill:
Duplex style cluster development on concrete foundation slabs on reactive clay of Class H classification and timber first floors and access roads and site works.
Approx Cost $M1.2
Stage I McCarthy Catholic High School
Emu Plains:
Involved the structural design of a two storey concrete framed building founded on silty sand with structural steel framed roof and the civil design of earthworks roadway and carpark.
Approx Cost $M2.0
New Offices over Hoyts Cinema Complex
At George Street Sydney
Documented and built in 1986, involved the design of structural steel roof wall and floor framing all supported on existing 2m deep roof trusses spanning cinemas, some of which required strengthening. Project involved the structural checking of the existing roof trusses which had been checked out previously by another engineer and which I found to be overstressed requiring strengthening. Also involved the sampling and checking of the truss welds after a critical weld was found to be deficient requiring the strengthening of existing gussets and the re-welding of diagonals whilst the truss was under load. All internal work carried out at night outside time of cinema use.
Approx Cost $M1.8
Stage II McCarthy Catholic High School
Emu Plains
Documented and built in 1987, involved the structural design of single storey masonry buildings, built from foundation slabs with structural steel bracing and timber roof trusses and extensive system of structural steel cantilevered awnings.
Approx Cost $M1.2
Stage III McCarthy Catholic High School
Emu Plains
Documented and built in 1988, similar construction to Stage 11 and design of civil and drainage design for new playing fields.
Approx Cost $M0.75
Ronald McDonald House
At The Prince of Wales Hospital
Documented in 1989 included design of civil works for caparks and roads, site drainage and on site detention system and the structural design of a large two storey concrete framed house founded on sand .
Approx Cost $M0.9
Industrial Subdivision at Beenleigh Q:
Documented and built in 1989, included the civil design and detail of earthworks, bituminous roads, kerb and channel and gully pits and piped drainage and Q100 overland flow, water supply and gravity sewerage reticulation.
Approx Cost $M0.6
Conversion Squash Court Centre to Offices
at Maxim Street West Ryde
Documented in 1988 included foundation underpinning, strengthening of floor structures and extension of building in structural steel framing.
Approx Cost $M0.4
Commercial Centre
At Norton Street Leichhardt:
Two storey structure with suspended concrete first floor and steel portal framed wall and roof structure with brick infill.
Approx Cost $M0.8
Block of 8 Units
At The Esplanade Umina
Three storey concrete framed structure on site with poor foundation conditions with three levels of reinforced beam and slab structure on columns some with vertical misalignment and transfer slab over basement car parking with perimeter retaining walls.
Approx Cost $M0.8
Block of 10 Town houses
at Moore Street Leichhardt
Documented in 1984, included the design of three storey masonry structure with transfer slabs on concrete columns over car parking and suspended concrete floors.
Approx Cost $M0.4
Block of Six Terrace Units at
Albert Street Rozelle:
Included the design of 2 storey masonry structure with concrete suspended slabs.
Approx Cost $M0.4
Alterations to Site and Residence
At Bushlands Ave Gordon
Involving extensive site works, including demolition and back-filling of existing in ground pool, earthworks, involving controlled compaction and retaining walls to create a tennis court; extensive site drainage system, incorporating detention basin design over tennis court area for delayed discharge of runoff. Alterations to existing residence including removal of walls and underpinning of first floor. New structures, involving structural timber details roof systems, glass skylights and slabs and new large concrete swimming pool with attached spa.
Approx Cost $M0.6
Town Houses at Kingsdon Street:
Three storey walk up block, suspended ground floor slab, with beams supported on concrete columns over basement car parking area, perimeter reinforced block retaining walls around basement and suspended concrete slabs.
Approx Cost $M0.1
Replacement of ex window facade
in Factory Gable End Wall at Lilyfield.
Involving the design, detailing and supervision of an aluminium framed window system to replace a timber framed gable window wall of a factory measuring approximately 19m x 6.1m, using St. Kilda suite by Alcoa, incorporating expansion joints, silicon joints and dry glazing system.
Approx Cost $M0.1
Underpinning of two storey
Masonry Industrial Building and Offices at Artarmon:
Design and supervision of the underpinning operations of 9m high walls to a level of 1 1/2m below original founding level on clay foundation and retaining walls.
Approx Cost $M0.3
New 3 storey Terrace
At Elliot Street Balmain:
Including design and supervision of underpinning of adjacent residence, pier and beam footing, suspended concrete first floor slab and lateral stabilising considerations.
Approx Cost $M0.3
New 3 storey Terrace
At Adelaide Street Surry Hills
Including design and supervision of underpinning of adjacent residence, footings, ground floor slab, first floor suspended slab, timber floor and roof structures with steel bearers.
Approx Cost $M0.1
Replacement of existing concrete awning
with cantilevered steel awning and new shop front at Commonwealth Bank Balgowlah:
Including design and supervision of steel framed cantilevered awning structure around existing deficient concrete awning with supports attached to existing internal structure.
Approx Cost $M0.3
Mud brick houses
At McMasters Beach, Robertson and Jamberoo Valley:
Including the design of footings and ground floor slab and the design of mud brick walls to withstand both vertical and horizontal loading.
Approx Cost $M0.1
Extensions to Spare Parts building for John Newell Motors
At Hume Highway Bass Hill
Including pier and beam footings, structural steel wall columns with brick infills and structural steel roof.
Approx Cost $M0.3
6 Town Houses
At Rozelle.
Including pier and beam footing. Suspended first floor slab.
Approx Cost $M0.4
Re-roofing and first floor extension to Warehouse
At Silverwater.
Including DA and BA submissions and re-roofing method of construction whilst warehouse under occupation. Replacement of existing timber roof structure with steel framed structure including the removal of major steel truss and the provision of skylight trussed bearer to support new roof. Design of new carpark with flexible pavement including pier and beam retaining wall adjacent to ex sewer.
Approx Cost $M0.4
2 Town Houses
At Hornsey Street Rozelle.
Including pier and beam footing suspended concrete slab and detailing of timber frame and roof trusses.
Approx Cost $M0.1
Roof shelter for Market Garden
At Cecil Park.
Involving provision of free standing columns founded on concrete piers and steel trusses, over an area of 30m x 30m.
Approx Cost $M0.3
New Facilities
At Bexley Golf Club.
Including footings and suspended roof slab complete with membrane and topping slab.
Approx Cost $M0.4
Design and detail of shopping complex
At Ingleburn.
Including design and detail of roof steelwork, columns and bracing, cantilevered awnings and shop front steelwork.
Approx Cost $M1.5
15 Town Houses
At Boronia Street Wollstonecraft
Involving design and detail of seven storey load bearing brick building in terraced configuration with concrete floor slabs and concrete columns and beams over car parking area with typical spans of 8m and basement retaining walls and vehicular access ramp and 11m pedestrian bridge
Approx Cost $M0.1
New residence
At Northam Drive North Rocks.
In addition to designing the structural aspects including earthworks, pier and beam footing, retaining walls, slabs on ground and timber and steel elements. I acted as owner/builder and used sub contract labour to construct the house which was a complex Architect designed structure on a steeply sloping site.
Approx Cost $M0.1
New residence
At Bayview Crescent Blackwall.
Including footings, slab on ground suspended first floor slab, suspended garage slab on concrete columns and design of access ramp and cut and fill batters.
Approx Cost $M0.15
New residence
At Homestead Avenue Carlingford.
Including pier and beam footing, large suspended slab and steel beams.
Approx Cost $M0.25
New residence
At Isabella Street Balmain.
Including pier and beam footing, slab on ground and shop detailing of timber frame with raking top plates and all timber elements.
Approx Cost $M0.2
New residence
At Arthur Street Ryde.
Including design of footings, slab on ground on clay foundation, first floor suspended slab and roof structure.
Approx Cost $M0.253 Storey Terrace
At Glassop Street Balmain.
Including footings, slab on ground, suspended first floor slab, structural steel two storey stabilising frame and steel floor and roof beams.
Approx Cost $M0.15
New Residence
At Georges River Road Kentlyn
Including footings, slab on ground, suspended first floor slab and roof beams.
Approx Cost $M0.1
New garage with timber deck over
At Broderick Street Balmain.
Including footings, slab on ground and steel framed column and beam structure supporting timber framed roof with independent deck structure over.
Numerous alterations and additions to existing residences.
Including design of footings or footing slab, and or checking of existing structure to carry additional loading from first floor extensions.
Numerous reports on cracks and other defects in residences and other buildings.
Including the inspection of defects and supporting structure, assessment of cause and recommending repair procedure. Also numerous dilapidation pictorial surveys of existing buildings