
We design, document, specify and inspect the preparations of:-

■ Excavations including underpinning, temporary support of existing buildings during construction including the design of shoring and laterally resistant frames, foundation design including piling, piering and slabs on ground, and the design of retaining walls including use reinforced masonry and free standing contiguous piling.

■ The structural components of buildings and other structures using reinforced concrete elements, including footings, walls, columns, slabs and beams, structural steel framing including cold formed and stainless steel elements, structural timber framing, structural masonry including reinforced blockwork and brickwork, structural aluminium all applied to structural systems in buildings of all types.

■  Stormwater drainage collection and disposal including on site detention, retention for reuse, water quality using urban sensitive water design preferences all complying with Council’s drainage requirements for subdivisions and single lot developments.

■ Swimming pools, industrial slabs on ground using fibrecrete, elevated platforms and the civil design of carparks.

■ And investigate and report on defects in buildings and carry out dilapidation surveys.

■ And analyse structures using computer programs and a host of self-developed spread sheet excel analyses.

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